Date of Warrant:
According to a report in Freemasons’ Magazine of 29th July 1871, the name of the Gwent Encampment was to be ‘Beaufort Encampment’ but was changed to Gwent before the warrant was issued.
The warrant of the Gwent Encampment is dated 1st September 1871, “given at Aldenham Abbey, in the County of Herts”. It was signed by Sir Knight William Stuart M.E. and Supreme Grand Master, John Huyshe, Deputy Grand Master and Patrick Colquhoun, Grand Chancellor.
The first meeting was held at the masonic Hall, Newport, on Wednesday, 22nd November 1871 at 4 p.m. The Gwent Preceptory has had uninterrupted working since this date.
Gwent Preceptory was incorporated into the Province of Somerset on 28th October 1891, and subsequently became one of the three Preceptories to form the new Province of Monmouth and South Wales in 1953.